17. The plenary group is composed of all participating authorities and serves as a general forum for information exchange. The plenary group is co-chaired by a senior manager of the ECB and by a senior ESMA's representative. Participants to the plenary will be senior officials designated by the participating authorities. The plenary will discuss strategic issues regarding T2S services and will aim to achieve consensus on issues of common interest for the activities described above in Section 2. Such meetings may include sessions with representatives of the T2S Board and sessions on an ad hoc basis with other interested parties (e.g. users groups). The plenary group may establish substructures to support its work and formulate their respective mandates., 17. Le groupe plénier toutes les autorités participantes et sert de forum général pour l'échange d'informations est coprésidé par un cadre de rang élevé de la BCE et par un représentant de rang élevé de l'AEMF. Les membres du groupe plénier sont des cadres de rang élevé désignés par les autorités participantes. Le groupe plénier abordera les questions stratégiques relatives aux services de T2S et s'efforcera d'atteindre un consensus sur des questions d'intérêt commun pour les activités décrites à la section 2. Ces réunions peuvent comporter des sessions avec des représentants du comité directeur de T2S et des sessions ad hoc avec d'autres parties prenantes (par exemple, des groupes d'utilisateurs). Le groupe plénier pourra créer des sous-groupes pour l'aider dans son travail et définir leurs mandats respectifs Sub-structures, Sous-groupes 22. Confidential information related to individual CSDs that have signed the Framework Agreement with the Eurosystem provided by T2S to any participating authority under this MoU may be shared with another participating authority only if necessary for the performance of supervisory or oversight duties (i.e. need-to-know) established under applicable national and European regulatory frameworks., Confidential information related to individual CSDs received from T2S under this MoU shall not be shared outside the T2S cooperative arrangement, except in cases where paragraph 25 is applicable. The participating authorities confirm that they are subject to confidentiality obligations in accordance with the relevant Union and national legislation, as applicable., ESMA may receive confidential information related to and from T2S in the scope of this MoU for its coordinating function for authorities competent to supervise CSDs participating in T2S and will only use that information for the purpose of exercising this coordination function. ESMA and its staff is subject to confidentiality obligation in accordance with the rules applicable in ESMA Regulation (Art. 35 (7) and 70 of |